Prudent Ways to spend money This Christmas

As we enter into yet another and final Holiday season of the year. It's very easy to get carried away and plunge into spending as though our lives depend on it. I have been a victim to this season particularly because its my favourite time of the year and believe me those stores know how to call my heart and wallet.

But Mostly, I just think I get excited during this season for no reason. I get excited for the decorations, the food and family and everything worthy and unworthy, that it gets to the point of ridiculousness. I mean, people literally ask me why am so excited and I actually have no concrete reason - perhaps its just the joy that God has given to me during this season.... xoxox

However, I know during this season, most of get carried away by the luxury feel in the air and of course those been done by our friends and family that it gets to easy to get frivolous in our spending.  Some can be even Called " the King/Queen of Unplanned Spending"... Yes I know a few of such people, please do count me in on them oo, hahahaha!
Aix en Provence Christmas Market
But just before joining the Kings and Queens of planned spending why not consider that as this year ends, it brings with it a new year with more financial responsibilities that can be even bigger for each person depending on which stage you are in life presently - Single, Traveller, Student, Married with kids etc.

While I will not try to discourage you from spending, because its just impossible, I have helped to pen down a few prudent ways you can consider to help you spend your money without leaving you broke, stressed or hateful after the holidays.

1. Create a Budget - Try to remember the amount of purchases you make in a month or week. A good way to remember is to write them down, keep receipts or note it down in your budget app - a good one is this by amazon. So as you plan spending in the season,  have a limit to your budget and ensure that all spending is LOWER than your income.

2. Plan for your purchases in advance - This is where window-shopping(the shopping act of going to check store items and prices without making a purchase) comes to play its magic , just make sure you return home without making an actual purcahse. Find out the prices of items before you decide to buy them, look into store brochures, and get prices on line but stay off purchasing them , only note them down and plan your shopping according to your budget.

3. Get a Cash Tracking App - To track your Spending during your shopping. There are many in the market , but here is a free one that is great to use.

4. Do not go on impulse Shopping - No, No, No, the enemy of your money lives in this box. Whatever you do this season, DO NOT DO THIS! No, to those moments when you suddenly feel like having a new jacket for the season even when you know you have enough great ones in the wardrobe. No, to impulse buying springing out of " I have been a good girl or boy, this year'... ehhh, Not! No to trying on items in a store while passing by and saying to yourself 'let me just try it, I probably won't buy it, NOOOOOOO.... the experience can cause you to make a decision then and immediately.

5. Shop from Sales and discounts But with Care: While sales and discounts are good on everyone, even billionaires love it, you must know that you have to be weary of marketing strategies. Use coupons and buy only items you need and are useful or else your account will be seeking for trouble. Remember this always, "the attraction of a cheaper price is an easy to get me to buy what I do not need" that way your spending during this time is limited only to what you need for the season

6. Shop Alone!!!!- I feel like parents need to hear this more. Lawd please,  you do not want to take your kids with you while shopping during this season, or else you will be spending all your money! I mean allllll. Those kids will bat their eyes at you and you will feel guilty, am telling you it's true. What about those without kids? Do not go shopping this season with a Friend whose tastes you respect. They can influence you to spend more money. While shopping alone , do not take advise form store employees and attendance, only ask questions and take that only. Believe me they are out there to sell, not look at you.


7. Choose pocket friendly Events to attend, travel destinations or activities -  Not every turn-up is your turn-up. Check your pocket before attending. Not every fun activity that your family or kids are invited to are pocket friendly to you, kindly excuse yourself in the season, there will be other events. There are loads of travel destinations that can be cheaper than those you have planned, make sure to do a good research based on rebates and discounts.

While there are many more ways I could consider or help bring to mind for you, I would rather stop here and hope that you laugh on this: While I was a student, I once put my student bank and credit cards in the Freezer to help stop me from using it and spending in a particular season.....hahahaha!
Find a harder way to help stop you from using your cards if push comes to shove.

Top of the season to you ......xoxo

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