Netflix faces Backlash for Portraying A Gay Jesus and Weed-Smoking Mary this Christmas

It is the Holiday season and its time for merriment and spreading the good news and banking on the wholehearted goodness and cheer that comes with the season but this year, Netflix seems to be doing the most by going against this tradition with their Christmas Special feature The first Temptation of Christ.
Now Netflix faces alot of backlash from the christian community. The feature film shows Jesus as a ridiculous Gay guy (not even a good one ), Weed-Smoking Mary and mocking Jesus and his disciples ways. The same group of Brazilian producers where handed the 2019 International Emmy Award for their movie ‘The Last Hangover’ also portraying Jesus as a drunk and in a bad name or context .

Now over 1 million people have signed the petition to bring down the movie on Netflix and the signature is increasing daily and yes Christians like myself have right to be upset. We are here all about the good nativity and spreading love with our story of Jesus but some group of people think it ok to mock it or mislead others on the story. Now the goal of the petition is to have at least 3 million people sign the petition and hold the production group "Porta dos Fundos to" responsible for the crime of Villainous faith.

Some viewers have express their disgust at the production and people such as the Brazilian Congress man and Pastor Marco Feliciano expressed his anger on Twitter against the comedy special saying : "Christians and Non-Christians have asked me to take action against the irresponsible members of Porto Des Fundo. Its time we tool a collective action - churches and all good people - to put an end to this". Well said from my opinion. However, the Porta des Funto group seems to think that its all fun and games as they poked fun at the petition claiming that they won an award for the one of last year ---- silly!

I have a lot to say on this but My take is, why do people feel that they often have to attack the christian faith. Especially sad I know for a fact that this can’t be done to any of the other dominant religions without blood being shed and this can’t even be done to other groups(not calling names, but you know them) , it can Never go bloodless ! The lack of respect for the christian faith by others is never a way to say your believe is better or speaks better.  This whole production is just utterly disrespectful! The show even makes mockery of God with lines like this: “I wiped out the dinosaurs with a fart,” God brags.

Whether we like it or not religion exists, pick yours and leave others alone. Making mockery of other religions to have your say, is never the right way. Seems to me that many think it’s not okay to offend any other person or religion except CHRISTIANS, and this has got to stop! 🛑

We are been called to cancel Netflix subscriptions and make a protest and yes , I think that , this is a good call. Netflix is however yet to respond. The whole scenarios just reminds me of this text  below from  the bible

Join the in your locality to have your say. There are already many petitions on going around the world towards the movie.

If anyone speaks of freedom to this matter , remember that Even freedom has its limits , if you doubt me try acting or living out all your thoughts and you will soon see that the Psychiatric ward will be your home forever 🙄 . This is not a freedom fight as spoken by the production group on their twitter account. Pick a fight for something else please.

Please share this blog to have your say.  Thank you!

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