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So, here is what is happening, am starting a new series on this blog, YAYYYYYYY!!!. I hope you will all love it and most of all, I hope it will introduce you to my God and His wonder working ways. For many who may not believe in God, please still feel free to read along with us am sure that in no time you will understand the one true God as we discuss (after all there isn't any harm in knowing or is there? You decide). Am not going to say much but to tell you to say tuned and enjoy the read.

With over 1 million things that am working on, evangelism being a part of it.  I pray to have the time to share this tales with you as often as I can. The series is called, wait for it, drum rolls.................

"Chronicles of the modern day Evangelist". 

xoxo.......God loves you than you know it.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. – Romans 1:20

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