Waiting Till Marriage WTM

Hi Guys, I know I have been a tad bit quite on here....... however I can tell you that I have been pretty much active in the Lord's vineyard plus my own work and life, I know you can understand the joggling. Today though, I have some free time on my hands to write and this topic above seems to be in the air for both the right and wrong reason these days.

A while back, approximately some number of gooooooood years, I decided to be on the Team WTM(waiting till Marriage)., by this what do i mean? It simply means that i have decided to stay away from sex or its relative till marriage.  Now,  has the journey been easy? Oh ..NO! My write up today is for many who are on this journey with me and for those who are interested in joining the team, as well as those who will like to have an understanding of the concept. While writing this, I will try to be as honest as possible as I can, do not feel free to judge me.......hehehehe!

Why am I waiting till marriage some of you may ask? It was a personal decision I made between myself and God, not particularly because of any religious affilliations or reasons. I need to address this as we go along because so many people believe and think this commitment has only to do with affiliation to a religious entity. No, it is not, this kind of though is more of the thinking of ignorant folks. For me it is more about the will of God and honoring Him.

I Thesselonians  4: 3-5 " For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immoraity; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the passion of lust like the gentiles who do not know God.

Waiting Till Marriage before having sex, is a commitment and decision that has to be consciously embarked upon. Anyone can hop on the ride to wait till marriage, primary virgins and secondary virgins( meaning those who have never had sex and those who have had pre-marital sex before, in that order) alike can join in the commitment to go celibate till marriage.

While there are many write ups out there that support why you shouldn't wait to have sex before marriage (like the men constantly calling your bluff is not enough to hear), there is little about waiting. I must let you know that in today's world many are scorned at for  their choice of wanting to wait while those who sleep around want to be free from judgement. Let me let you in on a little something, you see everyone loves the Penis, however make sure you find the right man before the right penis, why you ask? Because though sex is a very important perk in marriage, the persons involved in the marriage are even more important.

While reading an editorial about waiting and not waiting, I found out that those who waited commented more about their choices and seemed more happy while those who didn't wait were busy with making critical comments about those that waited and hinted at some form of uncomfort-ability with their choice of partner, hmmmm.... do I sense some form of anger and envy from those who could not be well disciplined enough? I think this is not the way forward, another person's choice should not limit you or in anyway to be seen as negative. Choice is free.

Another thing to note is that though the perks of  being a team WTM may seem smaller than otherwise, it however far outweighs the other. Imagine that all the negative fears associated with having sex and a sexual partner are farrrrrr gone, phewwwww!The respect you will get from your spouse can never be measured to that in a marriage where there was sex before marriage, am so sure. There is also the fact that you never have naything to worry about if a relationship ends or  is over, in regards to the general feeling of "being used and dumped", you have lost nothing much in body. Religiously, you find that you are able to worship your God with a proper and more opened mind, making it easier for communication between you and God.

While waiting it is very important to have support around you, and keep away from the things that will lure you into going back or giving up on your goal. This you can do by joining some religious houses or churches,WTM dating sites and my very favourite, read the word of God - Bible daily, it is medicine to body and soul.

Finally be aware that you will be mocked and sometimes arguements will ensure around you to try to desuade you from following through on your journey, but never mind, Human beings are only never comforable with anything that is different. Just take it easy, breath in and enjoy the ride. Its actually amazing..... go on a try it. 

Fill you in later...

Jesus Loves You Dearly.

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