Hi Guys, am sure most of you would know by now that I love God, but aside of this, I fill you in with more details of me as we talk on this platform...:-) So here we go, Well aside from my love for God and blogging, not many of you would know that I am a diplomat by heart, studies and position self....hehehehe........

Also am a female entrepreneur (Communications and Training) who started with just my dreams and nothing in the bank. I believe and stand strongly behind and for female empowerment and emancipation. Yes ke...., I also get involved in the processes involved in assisting the women folks achieve their dreams in a world mostly dominated by men. It was on this note that when I got a call to go support and rally round for a very kind, warm, intelligent and diplomatic woman for the post of Nigeria's first democratically elected Female Executive Governor, that I instantly put on my shoes, packed my bags and abandoned all other projects to ensure that I support the move and change.

Another thing you need to know about me  is that I am a person of purpose, the little troubles and needs of life bother me less, in fact I pay less attention to them, after all vanity upon vanity all is vanity. I often dream of female leaders across the globe and I aspire to one day be added as one of the now 20 female heads of state, presidents and prime ministers across the globe. I know you can just imagine President Shirley....... , go on let your imaginations run wild, You know that name has a ring to it, just pronounce it and listen to it yourself,....hehehehe!

Anyways, Like most women, I believed that politics was a no go area for women as it seemed like an arena where women are constantly demeaned and ridiculed and even worst seen only as sexual tools. Until I got more involved with the education of politics (Don't forget, am still a diplomat). Now I can say comfortably that Politics is not all bad for woman, as long as one is seen as a responsible woman, starting from the little things that invoke responsibility such as your dressing  to your speech and manner of approach, I suppose I should write a post on Election practices for the women folks.

Getting back to my trip for the election, it was fun as usual.  You see, because I had been so busy with work, I had missed out on most campaigns. But I was sure not to miss this one, on getting to the town, it was small and there and then looking around the city from the entrance, we instantly saw the need for change and areas where the gracious and benevolent Senator Aisha Alhassan (Maman Taraba as she is wildly known my the people) will come into play to save the city. On meeting the senator on our day of arrival to the city, she welcomed us with open arms as she was so excited to see us, we exchanged pleasantries as we prayed for victory. One other thing which I cannot but mention was the excitement we saw and felt in the people right from the entrance into the street that housed her home, everyone was very hopeful and expectant of her win, that I had no doubt whatsoever. Soon we were back in our quarters as it was time to rest and sleep after we were hosted to some very delicious meal of course, did I tell you that the senator is a great host as well? Oh, she is.

The day of rally came and we were all dressed and ready to go out and shout our beliefs in the senator while also sharing the experience with others that she has come to impact change in the city and boy, were we ready!! I put on my thinking cap for those I needed to speak  and convince to vote for  her as we moved, my craze body was activated....hehehe and I abandoned the cars for the back of the truck filled with the music team as I wanted to jirate to the tunes of the band while know na, after all it's not all work, there can be time for play as well.

Soon we proceeded on the journey and the razzmatazz began, guys I was as excited as a baby given candy for the very first,  we encouraged people to vote with our voices, as we sang her praises and of course swept the people's mind with our charm( and physically sweeping as well if you know what I mean). In all these time, there was no class or hegemony involved as everyone mingled freely, in my way I was involved with the music band welfare(Food and water, you know they gave me tunes that made me rock),that I wondered what happened to them when I left the truck to start our over 15km walk with the senator.

Yes, we had to show support as we walked with the senator  by forming a barricade in front of her as we chanted, danced and walked with other security staffs round the city, we did this with so much passion that we didn't notice the time passed so quick. By the time we checked we had spent hours walking, dancing, singing and speaking. I for one was pretty excited with the walk for fitness self.....(An after thought though).
The day went by so fast and by the time it was over, boy I was knackered!! Yet I felt fulfilled, peaceful and very hopeful for a win and  YES, WE GOT IT!!!

Now, through all these events as a young lady in politics and in the midst of many men and women, I was not violated, seen as a sexual object by anyone but I was respected, treated fairly. appreciated for my efforts, spoken to wisely and intelligently and taken care of.

I have taken my stand, to stand for and in support of women all round the world who believe in the hope for more by making impact at either national level, in their communities or ward, offices or the world at large, this is my stand among many others, what is yours?

We women matter so much more to leadership, we are awake and ready to take our positions. No woman, no nation!!!!!


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