Travelling while Black Series

The colosseum, Rome, Italy at Night
The colosseum, Rome at Night

Traveling for me has always been an antidote and a reliever, a time to appreciate the beauties of the world and be thankful. A time of intimate reflections on the beautiful features, creation, and masterpieces of the world created by visions and dreams from the hearts and minds of men deposited by God into humans. The intricacy with which some of the works of men have been created around the world is simply unbelievably impressive.

carnival dancers on the streets of Rome

 It was with this and more in my heart that I viewed Rome in all of its glory during my recent visit. An exceptional city buzzing with a stench of power from its past days of glory and thriving finance from its decades of power relationships. Every wall and painting in Rome told thousands of astonishing history, some of love, power, war or conquests. From the all famous Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Vatican City and even the narrow streets hosting homes as old as the 16th century and great Gelato bars and hot chocolates that tasted like they are made in heaven, Rome is a city built on Rock. Will I visit again? Of course yes. Will I advise anyone to visit? Yes, yes and yes...
Profiterole and Chocolate Rome Gelato Store

Wearing thick winter scarf in Palestine Forum
me- shirley

There is a lot to be told about this city and to view in Rome, some of which I hoped I could tell you but due to some technical errors in my phone, I lost all pictures of over 300 that I took in Rome and not even Apple could save me. It, of course, made me sad for days but I encouraged myself in the Lord.....lool. I even had a video made of Julius Caesar's grave where he was cremated (pic below), which had flowers and coins laid on it.
Pale and Weedy grave of Julius Caesar in Roman Forum Rome Italy
Julius Caesar's grave in Rome

Colosseum at day time travelling in Rome
The Colosseum,  Rome

Now enough of the glory of Rome, I must tell you of a sad moment I had while there, one I felt in my opinion of Rome brought the bars low. Before I start I have to let you know that I am a proud African and I believe only in the existence of one race and that is the human race.

Panaromic view of the Roman Forum Rome
Panaromic view of the Roman Forum Rome

While I will travel to Rome again with my lovely self, my baby bump and my adorable Husband this year, 2019(let's all say amen to these prayers..). I hope to not encounter the same "Airport treatment " again.
Gelato and hot chocolate at Giolitti, best ever hot chocolate is served here.

So I was in line just for the hand luggage check, excited and well tired at the same time after walking over 100 km during my visit to Rome and yet happy to be heading home. Suddenly in front of me, I heard a man clothed in all black, trousers and top, with a few accessories on looking like some supervisor from a Mafia group and shouting in Italian (By the way did I tell you that I love the Italian language? Oh I do, it sounds like music to my ears... at the immigration security officer who was telling him to go back through the scan machine again for the second time. You wouldn't blame the lady for trying to do her job but the guy was not having it and I could feel he was saying to her that if she should make him try the machine for the third time, she will not be pleased.
Black girl in blue shorts and short hair  and hair bow while traveling in Rome in winter

Making wishes at the Trevi Fountain on a cold winter day in February
Trevi Fountain

Huh! oh dear!! boy, was I surprised at his audacity to a security immigration agent, I mean in most countries, these people will set you aside fast and do further checks on him but not in this case. Anyway, the scanners beep again, this time severally and loudly and I was just right behind him and I instantly moved through the scanner after he had passed through, see I was caught up in all the drama that I just moved automatically, not wanting to miss the action.
The Sistine Chapel roof shining bright in gold paintings
Sistine chapel

Immediately, an officer points to me, and motions with his hands that I move back to walk and while also speaking in Italian, of course, I didn't understand the language but I moved back. By the way, the Italian guy was still angry and was saying he wasn't ready to go back through the scanner, without much ado and just a few exchanges from the immigration lady in front of him, they let him go.

So now, it's my turn to get scanned and after taking off all necessary items as required by the immigration staff and just as I walk through the scanner, I hear a small beep and I muttered, oh dear, as usual, being an avid reader, I am now aware that sometimes, here and there I usually beep in these scanners.
Arial view of the Roman Forum Rome on a sunny day
Arial View of the Roman Forum

Immediately, the female immigration woman stops me and tells me to take off my earrings as I walk towards her, then they(now two officers) ask that I stand on a separate scanner which scanned my shoes, and they took swipes from my hand luggage to scan on a separate machine and after 2 to 3 minutes of scanning they found nothing, at this time, I had turned the shoe and leg scanner to my private game as I moved my feet freely on the platform...... I can't be bothered by their stupidity, hahaha.
While performing the scan, I began to think, why in the world was I singled out for such long and deeper search when some other guy who was just ahead of me beeped severally but was let go without any further search? Was this a categorical separation for further search because I am black or what would you call it? Is it a case of corrupt practices? So many thoughts ran through my head about the situation that if I wrote about it all, I would write an epistle. Well,  I was sad for a brief second at the thoughts and the scene that I was confronted with but I soon came off the thoughts and went about my journey.  Now, what do you think was happening here?

Inside the colosseum its old walls and concrete
Inside the Colosseum
However, for me what I know from this event is that I have refused to be made to feel lesser than I am by any man, country or its laws especially as I have not broken any of their laws, but I have gathered that this world is not my own and no matter what the various reasons that people or countries may have for treating me differently and wrongly as a result of my skin color, accent or dialect, I refuse to be bordered by it, I chose to ignore these people because they don't know better.
As long as I exist on this earth, it means I am supposed to be here and such doggy behaviours do not count towards my purpose.  And if ever you have faced any of such kinds of behaviour do not be bordered by such actions but make sure that you are not breaking the laws :)

Bisous xoxo

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