Poop is falling from the sky in Canada

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Since May, several people in Canada have reported a black to bluish brown chemical falling from the sky. Aside of the ugly and nasty smile that it has been reported to having, in one scenario, a shower of poo was reported to have  caused a case of vomiting and conjunctivitis. It also stains and sticks to cars thereby damaging them.  These poops are coming out from the sky and 18 cases have been reported since.

A theory going round is that the substance comes from a frozen aircraft lavatory sewage which has over time melted on the plane's descent. But Transport Canada in charge of Aviation says that these are not cases of what they call "blue ice"  Very interesting things are happening people...

So for now, it seems the only thing that can be confirmed is that when while you are traveling to Canada, pack an umbrella for the weather of poop.....


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