Friendship In Deed.

I often look at the meaning of friendship anytime I meet a new person, and I do this just to remind myself of their existence in my life and what it is am meant to fulfil or better yet impact on them as a being and as a new person or friend in their lives, even if the meeting would only last for 10 seconds.

I started to think of this at an early age, I think I was about 13 when I first had these inklings and I have ever since held on to this believe that we all have a purpose or job to fulfill in each others lives.

Don't get me wrong, by this, I mean for a greater good, not for a selfish need or for some demonic need or usage. Life as we know it isn't just for us to pass by without contributing our quarter to it, individually, we all have a gift that is meant to be used to save souls in one way or the other.

How then do you know what your gift is, you may ask? Look within and study your self, most importantly, ask God to lead you to you, then wait patiently in Prayers and God will show you who you are. Finding your purpose in the life of friends is a pathway to fulfilling your destiny as it opens doors to the knowledge of you and what God had created you for on earth.If you are just going to be doing this for the first time while you have just met someone, Keep still and whisper to God: "Sweet Jesus my Saviour, what would you have me do in the life of your son/daughter, please show me, lead me and speak it through me in Jesus name". Then smile, breath with joy and seat back with an open mind and let God do His will. You can also do this for friends that you have known for longer, however you want to add more prayer points as the devil will try to bring the knowledge of certain things you are aware of in the life of the friend to try to dismiss your efforts.

Live everyday as a purpose driven life. Read more about David from the Bible and you will see how well he sort for the Lord in all his doing and how God answered him in all situations.

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