Get your happiness


Hi Awesome People,

Just a quick one everyone. Its November!!!!! Yay!!!!!. You know how much I like to get excited about everything right? Well, I find it easier to live that way and life is sooooo much better I tell you, I don't have to have all the luxuries of life to be in this state everyday, I just need one person free to all. Someone once asked me, how do you do that? How are you always in this mood? I must say that this person wanted me to list a bunch of rules or do and don'ts, well you see, I had none of that to say. Perhaps this person got disappointed but I couldn't lie. Click over to read more......

You see my secret lies in knowing the Lord God our creator. I know some of you still don't believe in Him while some are still shaking in their faith in Him, I want  and need to tell you that He is super! He is awesome, He is omnipotent!! See, He wrote me some letters, He wrote to me concerning my needs and how I should handle every issue of life and though He never meant for the letters to be too much at once, He wanted to be assured that no situation was left untouched, hence while my book of letters and speeches from Him to me are much. This letters have been bound together to make it easier for reading without losing any, it is what we now call : The Bible.

You see He needed so very much to let me know that He loves me, He also knew that I may forget, that  He had to ensure He relayed the message to me in various ways, hence why the Bible is bulky. 

I find my happiness in this book of letters and in God ofcourse, He wrote down His promises for me using men and women He spoke to. His words are forever refreshing in my ears as I read them and let them come to life in me through my actions, thoughts and visions. All I have to do is Obey the instructions in the letters and my life is anew, refreshed, energised, and completely over joyed.

Let me give you an example of His words, from one of the letters, in Proverbs(A part of the letter written by Solomon as God told Him), Chapter 16, and in verse 20, it says : " Those who LISTEN to INSTRUCTION will prosper; those who TRUST the Lord will be JOYFUL". See? Its written exactly as I told you, all you have to do is as you read in the letter, obey the instructions there in as in this verse, all He is asking is that you Trust and Obey Him. YEP!!. YOU NEED NOT BUY ANT-DEPRESSANTS or OTHER DRUGS. Yes, its that simple, it's just about you and Him. As you read the letters, He teaches you how to do everything else, even making Money, .....hehehe, I know this is on the mind of so many of you, and yes, He also points you to that partner, be it male or female as the case may be for you, some one to love and respect you and He settles you in all areas of life. 

Now I know I have been using "Me" in this write up, but guess what? The letters are for all of us. As long as you can give Him a chance to come into your life, if you are ready to let Him lead you and add to your life. Then you too can freely partake in this abundant joy that has no room for depression.
Why don't you get to know Him today? I know you must have tried everything else. Why not try God today? I know you may still have that tiny doubt, saying why should I? But why shouldn't you?You don't need to buy or pay for it, its all FREE of charge!

Join me to say the following prayers below, get a bible if you don't already have one, get committed more deeper into a church near you today as you begin to learn more about Christ today. Final you have to renounce and stay away from all forms of sin, that you may have been into in the past before meeting Christ.

Lord Jesus, come into my life today, I accept you as my Lord and personal saviour today. Have mercy on me as I renounce all my sins and vow to follow and worship you. I denounce every evil associations that I ever belonged to and I ask that you wash me clean and make me whole again to be your loving child. Remove every mark and hold of the devil and his cohorts over my life and cause me to seek your face forever. All these I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND MY CHURCH(that is of course if you live in my neighbourhood), DROP ME AN EMAIL:

.....xoxo God bless you all and remember Jesus loves you. It only gets better on the Lord's side.

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